Do I need to be a member or invited by a member to attend?
No, you do not need to be a member or invited by a member to attend. Anyone can attend can attend as a member or non-member.
How much does it cost to attend?
We have two ticket prices: Member and Non Member.
Annual Membership is $49.00* and includes discounted members ticket prices, 1x Business Directory listing and other benefits throughout the year. Valid 1 year from purchase date. Membership is completely optional and anyone can become a member.
1x Ticket: Non Member - $18.00*
1x Ticket: Member - $15.00*
3x Tickets: Non Member - $48.00*
3x Tickets: Member - $39.00*
6x Tickets: Non Member - $84.00*
6x Tickets:: Member - $66.00*
* +50c Trybooking Online Booking Fee
We also have a capped number of judgement free/ complimentary hardship tickets.
Do I have to be seen on camera on Zoom?
Yes, for the safety of our members and for the purpose of effective networking, all attendees must show their faces and have microphone enabled for introductions.
Do I have to be on time?
We encourage you to come late if you have to work back etc, we don't mind what time you join us. Just join in where we are up to. Feel free to private message me if you are unsure what is going on at that time.
All cancellations are acceptable, including last minute cancellations No explanation required, we respect you all have busy lives and things come up.
Your meeting ticket will be available for you to use to attend another event.
Who can attend?
Everyone is welcome! All businesses of any size or industry.
We have businesses attend from a large variety of industries from start ups to established businesses.
We don’t know until the night most of the businesses who will be attending. Sometimes we end up with multiple people from the same industry. It can be useful to make connections and collaborate with other businesses in your industry. We encourage healthy relationships between all members and there are normally enough attending businesses for everyone to make their own contacts with any appropriate businesses.
How often do I have to attend?
As often as you like, you may visit once, every couple of months, when you see an event of interest or all the time.
Our group is designed to fit in with your busy schedule, come and go as you please.
What is expected of me, do I need to refer business to others?
We focus on building genuine relationships within the group, we get to know other businesses and only refer once we get to know each other and develop trust. We encourage you to help others within the group where suitable, but you are never obligated to do so. We prefer genuine referrals based on trust.
Do you have guidelines about how to contact other members?
Yes, by purchasing a ticket to our events you agree to abide to our guidelines.
Whilst our events are very casual we have to have a couple of simple guidelines in place to ensure
we maintain our friendly and respectful culture.
Cold contact - Please do not cold contact (someone you did not talk to) anyone you have either met or picked up their
card from our events for sales purposes.unless they specifically requested at an event or online for you to send them information.
No cold calling to invite others to your events - our group does not exist for you to meet your visitor number requirements. if someone at an event or in the group mentions wanting to attend or know more about other groups, by all means invite them. I have received complaints of people receiving 8 invites in one event.
Sell to other members - believe it or not you are not there to sell to the other members in the room, imagine if everyone was there only to sell something to each other, we would have a room full of people approaching each other for sales - not a nice feeling! I would love for you to think of the other people in the room as your new business support network, there to offer you their services if you approach them, your advertising team - people telling their friends and family about you! Having a large network of other businesses to refer to your clients can be mutually beneficial! I would like you to think of our group as your friends, we are really lucky to attract genuine local business who go out of their way to help others. you don't sell to your friends, they help you grow.
Polite & friendly contact - Our group is a judgement free zone, we are very relaxed and encourage everyone to be themselves. To ensure we maintain a 'safe' environment for everyone to feel comfortable we must all be conscious at all times to ensure all interactions within the group are a positive experience. at events and online. We pride ourselves on being friendly, which means we need your help to maintain our group vibe. Please, even if you are new, make an effort to talk to others, smile, approach anyone you see alone and make others feel welcome!! Our group is for professional relationships, it's not Tinder, no flirting or unprofessional behaviour please. If you have any concerns, see me.
Do you belong to the health and wellness Industry?
Please ensure you are up to date with the current legislation of how you can market your business. E.g, Making claims of being able to fix certain ailments or using customer testimonials is against the AHPRA regulations.
Contact AHPRA if you have any questions about what you can and can't say. www.ahpra.gov.au
How can networking benefit my business?
Friends - Meet other lovely local businesses who think the same way you do! It's nice to be surrounded by like-minded people!
Increased referrals/ business - we try to refer business to each other were appropriate.
Connections - Meet other businesses who compliment your businesses needs.
Exciting Opportunities - Australia is an exciting place in the business world! Find out what's happening with other businesses to see how you can be involved.
Learn - Our guest speakers, business presentations and the latest workshops on current social media trends keep you in the know.
Feel Good Moments - It feels awesome supporting your networks businesses and being a part of their business growth and success!
Confidence - Our friendly environment is a great place to grow your confidence in talking to others and discussing your business.
Members Benefits - Many of our businesses generously provide special offers for members.
Group Advertising - Our group provides many free advertising opportunities for your business - click here for more info.
Please contact me if you have any questions!'
Amy :)
No, you do not need to be a member or invited by a member to attend. Anyone can attend can attend as a member or non-member.
How much does it cost to attend?
We have two ticket prices: Member and Non Member.
Annual Membership is $49.00* and includes discounted members ticket prices, 1x Business Directory listing and other benefits throughout the year. Valid 1 year from purchase date. Membership is completely optional and anyone can become a member.
1x Ticket: Non Member - $18.00*
1x Ticket: Member - $15.00*
3x Tickets: Non Member - $48.00*
3x Tickets: Member - $39.00*
6x Tickets: Non Member - $84.00*
6x Tickets:: Member - $66.00*
* +50c Trybooking Online Booking Fee
We also have a capped number of judgement free/ complimentary hardship tickets.
Do I have to be seen on camera on Zoom?
Yes, for the safety of our members and for the purpose of effective networking, all attendees must show their faces and have microphone enabled for introductions.
Do I have to be on time?
We encourage you to come late if you have to work back etc, we don't mind what time you join us. Just join in where we are up to. Feel free to private message me if you are unsure what is going on at that time.
All cancellations are acceptable, including last minute cancellations No explanation required, we respect you all have busy lives and things come up.
Your meeting ticket will be available for you to use to attend another event.
Who can attend?
Everyone is welcome! All businesses of any size or industry.
We have businesses attend from a large variety of industries from start ups to established businesses.
We don’t know until the night most of the businesses who will be attending. Sometimes we end up with multiple people from the same industry. It can be useful to make connections and collaborate with other businesses in your industry. We encourage healthy relationships between all members and there are normally enough attending businesses for everyone to make their own contacts with any appropriate businesses.
How often do I have to attend?
As often as you like, you may visit once, every couple of months, when you see an event of interest or all the time.
Our group is designed to fit in with your busy schedule, come and go as you please.
What is expected of me, do I need to refer business to others?
We focus on building genuine relationships within the group, we get to know other businesses and only refer once we get to know each other and develop trust. We encourage you to help others within the group where suitable, but you are never obligated to do so. We prefer genuine referrals based on trust.
Do you have guidelines about how to contact other members?
Yes, by purchasing a ticket to our events you agree to abide to our guidelines.
Whilst our events are very casual we have to have a couple of simple guidelines in place to ensure
we maintain our friendly and respectful culture.
Cold contact - Please do not cold contact (someone you did not talk to) anyone you have either met or picked up their
card from our events for sales purposes.unless they specifically requested at an event or online for you to send them information.
No cold calling to invite others to your events - our group does not exist for you to meet your visitor number requirements. if someone at an event or in the group mentions wanting to attend or know more about other groups, by all means invite them. I have received complaints of people receiving 8 invites in one event.
Sell to other members - believe it or not you are not there to sell to the other members in the room, imagine if everyone was there only to sell something to each other, we would have a room full of people approaching each other for sales - not a nice feeling! I would love for you to think of the other people in the room as your new business support network, there to offer you their services if you approach them, your advertising team - people telling their friends and family about you! Having a large network of other businesses to refer to your clients can be mutually beneficial! I would like you to think of our group as your friends, we are really lucky to attract genuine local business who go out of their way to help others. you don't sell to your friends, they help you grow.
Polite & friendly contact - Our group is a judgement free zone, we are very relaxed and encourage everyone to be themselves. To ensure we maintain a 'safe' environment for everyone to feel comfortable we must all be conscious at all times to ensure all interactions within the group are a positive experience. at events and online. We pride ourselves on being friendly, which means we need your help to maintain our group vibe. Please, even if you are new, make an effort to talk to others, smile, approach anyone you see alone and make others feel welcome!! Our group is for professional relationships, it's not Tinder, no flirting or unprofessional behaviour please. If you have any concerns, see me.
Do you belong to the health and wellness Industry?
Please ensure you are up to date with the current legislation of how you can market your business. E.g, Making claims of being able to fix certain ailments or using customer testimonials is against the AHPRA regulations.
Contact AHPRA if you have any questions about what you can and can't say. www.ahpra.gov.au
How can networking benefit my business?
Friends - Meet other lovely local businesses who think the same way you do! It's nice to be surrounded by like-minded people!
Increased referrals/ business - we try to refer business to each other were appropriate.
Connections - Meet other businesses who compliment your businesses needs.
Exciting Opportunities - Australia is an exciting place in the business world! Find out what's happening with other businesses to see how you can be involved.
Learn - Our guest speakers, business presentations and the latest workshops on current social media trends keep you in the know.
Feel Good Moments - It feels awesome supporting your networks businesses and being a part of their business growth and success!
Confidence - Our friendly environment is a great place to grow your confidence in talking to others and discussing your business.
Members Benefits - Many of our businesses generously provide special offers for members.
Group Advertising - Our group provides many free advertising opportunities for your business - click here for more info.
Please contact me if you have any questions!'
Amy :)